
Contractors Grow Business in Economic Downturn

The construction business is experiencing the effects of a downturn in the economy. For most contractors sales are down, the phones aren't ringing, and the impact is causing layoffs or worse contractors are shutting down the business. The recession has affected all businesses and businesses are trying everything they can to stay in business and reach out to new clients. For some contractors, due to the internet, they are growing their business by using the internet to market their services. Some businesses stop or reduce their marketing when business slows, but the complete opposite is what is needed. The contractors that are getting new websites or updating old websites are positioning themselves to generate new potential clients and land new contacts. The internet is the one way that, regardless of size, a contractor can compete. The traditional marketing strategies of the yellow pages and print media are Nail art to some extent vital marketing tools, but the over whelming majority of people now go to the internet before they call a contractor and if a contractor does not have a website or does not advertize the website address in print ads, they are missing or losing opportunities. Website marketing should be viewed as another Iphone 4s Screen Protector tool within the contractor marketing toolbox. While some ads, such as the yellow pages are relevant, a contractor could save money while reducing the size of an ad by directing potential clients to the website where a contractor can use photo's, testimonials, and present details on specialties and services. I have worked with numerous contractors that state that they don't have more money to spend on marketing, but when they realize that they can reshuffle their marketing dollars for greater impact that in most cases results in an increase in leads, they wonder why they didn't do it sooner. The fact remains, a well designed website, with a proper balance of SEO and SEM content, that is maintained will result in higher search engine rankings, letting clients find them. A well designed contractor website combined with local adwords campaigns can be managed in a cost effective manner that will allow the contractor to turn on and off the campaigns for busy and slow seasons to maintain a steady lead flow.The contractors that are growing in this economy are the ones that have learned that a website is a critical aspect of every marketing program and one that gives the contractor the advantage to grow even in a downsized market. Now is the time to get a contractor website and start marketing the services that people are searching for. Will they find you or your competitor?

